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CCA 2023 Fall Meeting in Lunenburg, NS. 

The Fall Meeting will start September 29. This is the registration form.

Registration for the CCA 2023 Fall Meeting will be $250 Canadian or $195 US.  This single charge includes, among other things, the Thursday evening reception and the Friday evening dinner. 

The Bras d’Or Station is offering an opportunity to sail on board Bluenose II on Saturday morning. If you wish to take advantage of this sail, there will be an additional charge of $90 Canadian or $75 US per person.
To pay in US dollars, please complete the form below.

This form takes calculates payment in US dollars. If you prefer to pay by eTransfer in Canadian dollars, you may use the CDN form.


Please enter each person's first and last name, their station, and, if they have an office in CCA what that is.  Finally, select whether they are joining the Bluenose II cruise for the additional fee.  


Re-order First Name Last Name Station Office? Add Bluenose Cruise? Weight Operations