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by Michael Moradzadeh, |
Subject: Emergencies, Communications
Michael Moradzadeh, San Francisco Station The Global Software Glitch of the Summer of 2024 serves as a warning and reminder to, among others, ocean voyagers.An innocent error in coding took out thousands of computers, with paralyzing…
by Chuck Hawley, |
Subject: Procedures and Practices
Navigare Necesse Est“From the CCA School of Hard Rocks
by Chuck Hawley, |
Subject: Electronics, Navigation
It may be too soon to store your sextant, sight reduction tables, chronometer, and that funny starfinder...
by Brian Guck, |
Subject: Preparation of Boat and Crew, Safety Gear, Personal
Before we head out on the water once again this is a good time to check on all things inflatable... and NOT inflatable.
Subject: Culture of Safety, Safety Gear, Personal, Overboard
The right life jacket for your conditions and a tether when conditions warrant it.
by Steve Taylor, |
Subject: Customs and Traditions
 There are two levels of grog for the keg. There is the driving level and then there is the stronger sailing level. If your guests are driving, keeping the mix at about 30 proof is wise. If they have sailed to the rendezvous and will be…