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Barton & Gray Mariners Club runs 80+ yachts, in nearly 30 harbors, hosting tens of thousands of passengers each year. Their fleet consists largely of Hinckley Picnic Boats and Hinckley Talaria 40' and Talaria 44'.  A couple of years ago they decided to build their own boats at Boston BoatWorks.  The first of the new boats was launched in 2023.  During our visit on April 3, 2024 we will see two of their new boats in mid-build: a B&G DAYCHASER 48' and a Boston Boatworks BBW 44' and we may learn a bit about why B&G decided to build their own rather than buy off the shelf. 

The tour will begin at 1600. After our visit, those who wish to stay for a drink will retire to Brewers Fork just down the road at 7 Moulton St, Charlestown.  You will have time for a drink and some camaraderie and still get home in time for dinner.  Please sign up for our event. List your participants below. The number of "tickets" will be calculated to match.

Visit to Boston Boatworks, April 3, 2023 @ 1600



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