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Our annual crab feed at the Point San Pablo Yacht Club is on schedule for March 6. This is one of the most anticipated meetings of the year, and we're so delighted that we've sourced whole crabs at a reasonable price. Lunch will be $50. Please sign up early so we can get our crab order placed in time for the event. 


Many of you have requested that we have a more "conversational" meeting so we can catch up with friends, so there is no scheduled speaker. However, Richard has suggested that you bring 3-5 nautical books to swap, which is a great idea and bound to be an annual occurrence. We'll also have a brief discussion of what you'd like to continue doing, and what you like to change about station activities. 


Since we're ordering a specific number of crabs, there's no ability to "drop-in" and join the event. You must sign up for yourself, and any others that you're bringing, in advance. You can pay at the door, by selecting that option on the sign-up page. Questions? Send a note to one of your officers. 


Cheers, and see you there, 



March 6 Crab Feed at Point San Pablo Yacht Club



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