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There will be a luncheon in downtown Boston at the India Wharf Rats Club on Wednesday, January 24, 2024 at 1200. Guests are welcome.

The menu will be chowder, salad, crackers and desert, and a bar will be set up for the thirsty (donations accepted). The charge will be $40.00. 

The "Rathole" entrance is located in the alley behind the Massachusetts Transportation Building at the corner of Charles and Stuart Streets.  The approach to the Rathole resembles the approach to a disreputable speakeasy and can be challenging for navigators lacking local knowledge. Click here for directions.  If the directions induce uncertainty, please call me anytime during the day on my cell (603 359-3618) and I will provide additional guidance.  

Please sign up for our event. List your participants below. The number of "tickets" will be calculated to match.

Lunch at the India Wharf Rats Club, Noon, January 24, 2024



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