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Feb 5, 2025 Minutes

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SAF Station Meeting Minutes for February 

Mary Lovely, Secretary 


The February 5, 2025 meeting of the San Francisco Station of the Cruising Club of America was held at the Sausalito Cruising Club located on Richardson Bay in Sausalito.  The food was delicious, and the company was delightful. 


Zia Ahari, Don Bekins, James Bender (guest speaker), Rowena Carlson, James Coggan, Lawrence and Tanya Crooks (guests of Moe Roddy), Mary Crowley, Jerry Eaton, Bill Edinger, Dick Enersen, Peter English, Doug Finley, Bill Foss, Bob Hanelt, Wyman Harris, Mary Lovely, Jim Lucier, Bill and Joan Mittendorf, Steve Mason and Ginger Souders-Mason, Linda Moore (guest of Skip Allan), Michael Moradzadeh, Bruce Munro, Peter Noonan, Christopher Parkman, Synthia Petroka, Michael and Susan Proudfoot, Robby and Dolores Robinson, Moe Roddy, Sally-Christine Rodgers, Richard Schaper.

Our guest speaker, Dr. James Bender, gave an inspiring lecture about youth development education and how working on boats for kids who are having difficulty in school builds confidence and skills. He is Director of the Adriatic Maritime Institute where he travels to Croatia to hold a camp for kids to build and learn. He believes in the concepts of environment, navigation and engineering.

REAR COMMODORE’S REPORT, Mary Lovely stepping in for Chick Hawley 

Several SAF chapter members will attend upcoming CCA events;  the National Meeting in March in New York, the Western Isles Cruise in Scotland and the Pacific Northwest Cruise and Fall Meeting. 

TREASURER’S REPORT, Synthia Petroka 

Synthia reported that we currently enjoy a balance of $3,571.70.

CRUISING REPORT, Bill Mittendorf

There is a cruise planned to Petaluma April 25 to 27. 


The new member campaign is going well. SAF station has the most new members. Please make comments on membership emails if needed. 


Commodore Gowell has found a wonderful replacement to lead the Environment of the Sea Committee. Maggie Salter (Maine) will take over as of the annual meeting in March. Rowena will stay on as our station committee member.

Rowena introduced two more interesting sources of environmental information. Bob Hanelt provided a local source, the EBMUD Water Wednesday Webinars ( A Zoom presentation "Invasive Golden Mussels: A Threat to Water Supply" will be presented on 19 February at 6pm. A new member of the Maine station, Pamela MacBrayne, recommends the Tectonic newsletter ( Some interesting topics in the current newsletter include "Oceans warming four times faster", AI and gaming help identify deep-sea species", and "Report highlights need for India to protect country's coasts."

The Midway Atoll annual albatross nesting census is complete and shows the second highest count of the Laysan albatross but one of the lowest of the black footed albatross. Laysan albatross, Wisdom, the oldest known banded bird at at least 74 years old, has hatched a new chick.

Inspired by a book recommendation by Peter English, we will ask Michael Moradzadeh to add a book list to the Environment of the Sea Committee page on the web site. Please send Rowena any book recommendations. 


UPDATING JOB DESCRIPTIONS: Bob Henalt was given accolades for writing up needed job descriptions. 


Upcoming meetings:

       Tuesday, March 4. Annual Crab Feed at San Pablo Yacht Club. Please sign up early. 

Wednesday, April 2, Chuck Hawley will speak on safety at the St. Francis Yacht Club.

Wednesday, May 7, Randy Repass and Sally Christine-Rodgers will talk to the group about their circumnavigation.

Respectfully submitted, 

Mary Lovely


The Cruising Club of America is a collection of accomplished ocean sailors having extensive boat handling, seamanship, and command experience honed over many years. “Safety Moments” are written by the Club’s Safety Officers from CCA Stations across North America and Bermuda, as well as CCA members at large. They are published by the CCA Safety and Seamanship Committee and are intended to advance seamanship and safety by highlighting new technologies, suggestions for safe operation and reports of maritime disasters around the world.

Minutes in PDF (977.65 KB)