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The next meeting of the San Francisco Station of the Cruising Club of America is the CRAB FEED!!!!  It will be held at the standard venue, the Point San Pablo Yacht Club, on March 6, 2019.  PSPYC is located at 2 W Richmond Ave, Richmond (near KKMI).  
       Please plan to attend. A delicious meal is planned, so come hungry.  And come by boat.  PSPYC has a long and accommodating dock and it will be a great time to showoff whatchagot.  So don't leave your yacht behind.
     It will be a seated affair without a speaker, so it's a great time to chat-up your Station Mates.   And you'll be able to move about.
     The menu will be:
          Shrimp hors d'oeuvre,
          All-you-can-eat hot Boiled Crab, fresh from the pot,
          Cole Slaw,
          Ciabatta Bread, and
          Coffee and Tea will be available and there will be a No-Host Bar.
     The cost of the meal is $45.00.
Starting time, if you bring your boat or to view the boats, is 11:00; otherwise, it's 11:30.  Lunch is at Noon. 
      About the "boat show:"  It would be terrific for those of us whose boats are miles away, or a distant memory, to see what our close-by members are sailing.  And the PSPYY is a nifty venue for a quick in and out, with the lunch in between. 
        If you can make it, please register now where indicated below. Early sign-ups are a big help and are encouraged. Please don't leave it until the last minute.  Call or email me if you plan to bring your boat along or have any questions.

Register Now!

Stafford Keegin

Point San Pablo Yacht Club