February 2025
Ahoy So Cal CCA members!
We are looking forward to a great year of cruising activities. The 2025 schedule and list of officers and committees are attached. Feel free to reach out to any of the committee chairs or me, if you would like to get more involved. Bob Steele, Safety and Brad Avery, Historian are particularly looking for someone to assist them.
We’ll have our luncheons with interesting speakers and camaraderie, the first one coming up March 20 at Long Beach Yacht Club.
Please put the local cruise on October 9-13 in your calendars. We are thinking Catalina, San Clemente, San Diego/Coronado, which can provide a lot of flexibility in participation. It’s been a few years since we have had a local cruise so hopefully many of you are eager to join in.
The end of Summer BBQ and Annual Meeting in December will round out activities for the year. Please join us for all.
Lisa and I will be attending the National Meeting in New York on March 6 & 7. Make plans to join us and visit the amazing New York Yacht Club and their model room. It is great to meet other wonderful CCA members from other areas that you may wish to visit. We will also be going to the Fall Meeting in Blaine, WA on September 18 & 19.
Our So Cal Station will be hosting the Fall Meeting in Sept/Oct 2026. Please let me know if you are interested in helping to organize or hosting during the events.
Remember to send us information about any cruising you are doing so we can share with others.
Here’s to smooth sailing this year,
Jim Eddy III
Rear Commodore
- 714-552-6785