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by Chuck Hawley (39, |
Subject: Preparation of Boat and Crew, Electronics
A few minutes later, however, the familiar sound stopped, and the swing of the rudder and tiller came to a halt with perhaps 10 degrees of port rudder locked in. Before I could get to the tiller and lift the tiller pilot off its pin, the boat flew…
by Brian Guck, |
Subject: Preparation of Boat and Crew
... We were being blown onto the dock and had to make a hard turn to starboard into the wind to get out of the boatyard.  This was not really a problem, but just when I went to use the bow thruster that we had tested days earlier, it failed.…
by Jeffrey Wisch, MD, |
Subject: Medical, Medical
CCA Fleet Surgeon Memorandum for Offshore Passages Jeffrey S. Wisch, M.D.*
by Ed Tarlov, |
Subject: Medical, Dinghy Management, Overboard
Beware the Dinghy
by Chuck Hawley, |
Subject: Culture of Safety, Preparation of Boat and Crew
But what about the resolutions we make with regard to the safe operation of our own sailboats and cruisers? How many times have you heard a fellow voyager say “Ya know, the next time we’re out, we ought to do a man overboard drill” or “I need to…
by Ernie Godshalk, |
Subject: Preparation of Boat and Crew
I took down the radio panel and, with a multimeter in hand, was able to determine that the stereo wasn’t getting its 12 volts. When I improvised a 12-volt supply, it came to life. Progress, but a mystery remained behind the dead 12-volt supply line…