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by Dick York, |
Subject: Overboard
The methods for dealing with Man Overboard emergencies on a short-handed boat require a few modifications from the standard recoveries taught for fully-crewed race boats. The purpose of this note is to highlight those differences in technique and…
by John Rousmaniere, |
Subject: Seamanship and Awareness
Adapted from the foreword to the 4th edition, The Annapolis Book of Seamanship,
by John Jourdane, |
Subject: Abandon Ship/Liferafts, Fire/Flooding
CCA Member John Jourdane sailed the 2008 Hobart Race on the Spencer 65, Ragtime.   He witnessed a successful rescue of all the crew off a sinking boat. The following is from John’s journal.
by Michael Keyworth, |
Subject: Tools and Spares
This list of tools and spares is intended to be a minimum guide to tools and spares that might be helpful in routine maintenance at sea or effecting emergency repairs when outside assistance is not available.
by Garry Fischer, |
Subject: Safety Gear, Boat, Sails and Rigging
by Tanner Rose, |
Subject: Heavy Weather
You're cruising with friends on inshore waters and are suddenly confronted with what has become known as “severe weather”, usually a line of discrete cells, any one of which is capable of producing straight line winds over 50 knots.  The…