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by Chuck Hawley, |
Subject: Anchoring
In August of 2014, Fortress Anchors conducted an extensive anchor test on Chesapeake Bay, south of Solomon’s Island, in deep, sticky mud. I was asked to be the impartial observer, based on my participation in anchor tests for several decades.
by Chuck Hawley, |
Subject: Culture of Safety
On the night of November 29, 2014, while competing in the second leg of the Volvo Ocean Race, Vestas Wind ran aground on Cargados Carajos Shoal shortly after local sunset.
by Ron Trossbach, |
Subject: Safety Gear, Personal
Harness & Tether Requirements Every crew member must have a harness & tether not more than 6 ft (or 2 meters) long.
by Ron Trossbach, |
Subject: Safety Gear, Boat
Italics Note – Items in italics should be read to an audience before the paper is distributed.
by Ron Trossbach, |
Subject: Safety Gear, Boat
This list started when a CCA member tried to identify what changes he had to make to his boat when he started cruising with just himself and his wife. Others have added too, and this may give you a great starting point for your list!…
by John Jourdane, |
Subject: Practice and Safety Training
Minimum skills crew should have for cruising safely.   If your shorthanded crew does not have these skills, think about how these tasks will be accomplished, and consider enrolling in a course to build these skills. 1.Can they stop the boat…