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Registration is open and available Here


This year’s Fall Meeting is being held in Annapolis on October 16th and 17th.  The Chesapeake Station has put together an exciting program that will allow members to get an update on various committee activities, participate in a discussion about Transatlantic crossing moderated by Gary Jobson, regale each other with sailing stories from the season, and enjoy the hospitality of the Annapolis Yacht Club and the AYC Sailing Center facilities.


Meeting Schedule: To allow members to plan accordingly, meetings will start on Wednesday at 1100 and on Thursday at 0800. The planned schedule is attached.  All committee chairs of the club should plan to attend the Commodore’s Planning Breakfast on Friday the 18th from 0830 until 1100. 


Accommodations: A block of rooms has been secured at the Annapolis Waterfront Hotel for Wednesday and Thursday nights. The hotel is adjacent to the Club and a short walk over the bridge to the Sailing Center eliminating parking needs that are extremely difficult on any day in Annapolis. Our Tuesday block has been exceeded and is now closed so when registering by phone or online the beginning date must be October 16th for our block. Use code CCA. Please book before September 18, 2024 for this rate and fulfill our room block commitment.  Book your group rate for Cruising Club of America

Mid-October in Annapolis is a very busy time for hotels so registering as soon as possible is suggested. Other options include:


Meeting Events: In addition to the Committee meetings and a Meeting of Members, there will be three other meeting events. On Wednesday following the last Committee meeting there will be a Welcome Reception aboard the Lady Sarah featuring cocktails and light snacks. At lunchtime on Thursday we will hold an informative panel discussion on Preparing for a Transatlantic Crossing in anticipation of the many members who are planning to join the 2025 Western Isles Cruise with their own boat. There will likely be plenty of tips for all Blue Water sailors that should not be missed. A soup and sandwich buffet will be provided featuring a Maryland staple – Cream of Crab Soup – and AYC makes some of the best.  The much anticipated Closing Dinner on Thursday night will feature the Commodore’s awards for Bermuda Race Trophies for CCA competitors, including awards for the 2nd running of the Short-handed Return Race, as well as the award of the Bermuda Race Roll of Honour Awards. Join us in applauding the accomplishments of our fellow sailors. A Cocktail Party will precede the Dinne. Dress code is jacket and tie.


Outside of the meetings, we have scheduled two Naval Academy Tours and your goodie bag will have materials suggesting an array of local points of interest, attractions and self-guided tours. The Naval Academy Tours will start at {coming shortly} on Thursday. The Academy is in easy walking distance of meeting venues. Signup on the registration page.soo

Registration: Please register by September 30th if you plan to attend the meeting and signup for the Events you want tio attend


Coming through by boat or staying over: The Chesapeake Station Fall Cruise will follow the meeting beginning with an onshore Rum Keg Party Friday evening hosted by a CHE member near downtown and proceed afloat from there on Saturday. All are welcome to join.  Details are posted on the Chesapeake Station 2024 Fall Cruise webpage - 2024 CHE Fall Cruise - Annapolis MD | Cruising Club of America


Registration for the meeting, Rum Keg Party and CHE Fall Cruise will open up on August 1st. Contact John Devlin, Fall Meeting 24 Chair, at with any questions. 


We look forward to seeing you all in October

