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The Buzzard's Bay Post has organized a lunch on January 25th at Noon at the New Bedford Yacht Club.  Famed yacht designer Dick Carter will be the guest speaker.  Lunch will begin with chowder followed by chicken Caesar salad at $25 per person plus a cash bar.  

When Dick Carter came out of nowhere in 1965, The New York Times called him the “mystery man in American yachting.” To most American sailors, he still is. However, in Europe his name recognition is totally different.
Dick, with no formal training in naval architecture, sailed his first design (Rabbit) for a season in the elite regattas in England, stunning everyone by winning the prestigious Fastnet Race in 1965. In his second design (Tina), with more innovations, he won the 1966 One Ton Cup in which 12 world renowned yacht designers were represented with new boats.
In a non-technical way, Dick’s talk is about how he got into ocean racing and how his thinking led to breakthrough performance that changed yacht hulls from the narrow deep keel shape of the post war era to the red wine glass shape of the latter part of the 20th century.
His talk is laced with humorous episodes of his racing, his designs and even how he came to writing a book about his offshore racing and designs, some 40 years after he retired from boats and moved on to totally different life.
Signed copies of his book “Dick Carter Yacht Designer in the Golden Age of Offshore Racing”, with an Introduction by John Rousmaniere, will be available for sale at the lunch.
Registration for this event has been closed.

New Bedford Yacht Club