Friday, November 12 – Sunday, November 14, 2021
The New York Yacht (NYYC) and the Cruising Club of America (CCA) announce a three-day intensive medical seminar for members of the CCA and NYYC, to take place at Harbour Court (NYYC) in Newport, RI., Friday, Nov. 12 to Sunday, Nov. 14, 2021.
Run under the auspices of Wilderness & Medical Associates International, the seminar is taught by medical professionals who are also offshore sailors. It is designed for those who race or cruise in waters beyond helicopter range and has received significant positive reviews from U.S. Sailing and other authoritative bodies. It will qualify successful participants for the medical component of the Newport-Bermuda Race and the NYYC Transatlantic Race. We also expect that it will be sanctioned for fulfilling the medical requirement for most or all offshore ocean races globally.
There will be a small, limited enrollment. We suggest early registration.
Participants must submit proof of completed full vaccination for Covid-19 as a requirement to attend.
Organized by the NYYC Seamanship Committee and the CCA Safety & Seamanship Committee, with the following as signatories of this announcement:
Jeffrey S. Wisch, MD |
David P. Tunick |
Fleet Surgeon CCA |
Chair, Seamanship Committee NYYC |
Safety & Seamanship Committee CCA |
Rear Commodore CCA/NYS |
Seamanship Committee, NYYC |
Safety & Seamanship Committee CCA |
Chair of Medical Seminars, NYYC |
John Robinson |
Howard Eisenberg, MD |
Chair, Safety & |
Fleet Surgeon NYYC |
Seamanship Committee CCA |
Seamanship Committee NYYC |
2021 NYYC/CCA Offshore Emergency Medical Seminar
The curriculum covers several key competences:
1. Serious or Not Serious: Being able to determine when you have a serious medical problem and when you don’t.
2. Risk Assessment: Making the best decision regarding treatment on board vs evacuation considering the relative risks to the boat, crew, rescuers, and patient.
3. Advanced skills: Performing low risk procedures that are typically reserved for licensed medical personnel ashore but can be safely and effectively employed by the medical officer at sea.
4. Appropriate technology: Choosing equipment, medication, and supplies that make sense for the offshore environment and your mission or voyage.
5. Long Term Care: Understanding basic medical and nursing principles such as hydration, wound management and other skills needed to improve outcomes in the remote environment.
Offshore Emergency Medicine offers relevant and practical training for the largest and most remote offshore reaches on earth. The course will emphasize the understanding of body systems and principles of care to best prepare the medical officer to improvise and adapt to the infinite variety of challenges that the open sea can present. It is designed for voyaging sailors - racers, cruisers, and professional mariners.
Classroom instruction is based on the student’s use of case studies, scenarios, and hands-on assessment problems in a marine context. The course is taught by the men who wrote the book, Wilderness & Rescue Medicine 7th edition by Jeffrey Isaac, PA-C, and David Johnson, MD.
PREREQUISITES Valid, certified up-to-date CPR training with a hands-on component is a prerequisite to certification either six months prior to/or within six months following our seminar. Online training alone will not be accepted. Although not required, basic or advanced first aid is strongly recommended to enhance the learning experience and the student’s skill set.
PRE-COURSE STUDY Expect to spend 12 to 24 hours of pre-course study prior to the seminar. The pre-course work is hosted online via the educational platform Moodle, managed by Wilderness Medical Associates International. This includes reading the textbook, completing case studies, and taking an online pre-course test. We recommend that you start the process at least three weeks prior to the seminar. Conscientious pre-course preparation is essential for success.
Day 1, Friday, Nov. 12 – 8.5 hours – Course logistics, introduction, general principles in offshore medicine, critical body systems, the patient assessment system, basic life support at sea, CPR and AED (automatic external defibrillator) discussion, airway and ventilation skills, anaphylaxis and asthma, injection training, and PAS (patient assessment system). Case studies.
Day 2, Saturday, Nov. 13, – 8.5 hours – Pain control, musculoskeletal injuries, dislocations, extrication, splinting lab, wound care, wound care lab.
Day 3, Sunday, Nov. 14 – 8.5 hours – Environmental emergencies, offshore medicine, diagnostic tools, specific disease states, seasickness, medical kits, special interest topics, debrief, test, adjourn.
CERTIFICATION Full participation earns Offshore Emergency Medicine certification by Wilderness Medical Associates International. State licensed paramedics/EMT’s receive 36 CE credits in addition. Nurses, PA’s, and doctors can use the course for Category II credits. The course is Coast Guard approved under CFR 46 and accepted by US Sailing for first aid training.
Certification requires full-time attendance for the three days of the hands-on course, 0830 to 1700 daily.
Required textbook: Wilderness and Rescue Medicine 7th Edition, by Jeffrey Isaac, PA-C, and David Johnson, MD. $85.00 on Amazon or $14.00 available after registration through Wilderness Medicine.
MEALS A light breakfast and buffet lunch during the three days of the seminar are included.
LOCATION The seminar will be in the Sailing Center, New York Yacht Club, Harbour Court, 5 Halidon Ave., Newport, RI. Parking is available on-site without charge.
FEE $995.00, payable at time of registration.
VACCINATION Proof of full vaccination for Covid-19 is required. Please email a scan of your vaccination card to dtunick@tunickart.com or fax to 212-744-8931.
- Registrants may cancel with full reimbursement minus credit card charges up to and including Sept. 30, 202I.
- After Sept. 30, 2021, refunds will be made if a cancelled slot can be filled with another student.
- The New York Yacht Club and the Cruising Club of America reserve the right to cancel the course, with full refund to registrants.
IF ANY QUESTIONS Please contact Jeffrey Wisch, M.D., at medical@bermudarace.com or David Tunick at dtunick@tunickart.com, 203-921-7348.