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Probing the Sea: Presentation at CCA

“We know the topography of Mars 100 times better than the bathymetry of our oceans.” Dr. David L. Porter made this statement during his presentation, Probing the Sea, at the Environment of the Sea Committee meeting at the 2024 Fall meeting. Dr. Porter is one of the many scientists and researchers who continue to measure and analyze the oceans that are so precious to the CCA. Dr. Porter presented some of his work on bathymetry and climate, ocean currents and trash in the gyres, and tracking whales with environmental DNA (eDNA).


The presentation can be seen here:


Thank you to Dr. Porter for this great presentation. He became an oceanographer because of his love of the ocean. He is an avid sailor and kayaker on the Patuxent River, so we hope to see him out on the water.