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by Frank Cassidy, |
Subject: AIS
AIS, or Automatic Identification System, is one of the most significant marine safety innovations in a decade. Required on much of commercial traffic and available (and highly recommended) for recreational boats and even personal gear, AIS devices…
by John Rousmaniere, |
Subject: Overboard
From The Annapolis Book of Seamanship Here are accounts of two successful rescue efforts in the stormy 2011 Chicago to Mackinac Race.  Each rescuing crew was awarded an Arthur B. Hanson Rescue Medal by U.S. Sailing.
by John Rousmaniere, |
Subject: Seamanship and Awareness
A collection of a few tips from the acknowledged masters of sailing Anticipation “A seaman laboring under an undue sense of security becomes at once worth hardly half his salt.” (Joseph Conrad, The Mirror of the Sea) “The rule…
by John Rousmaniere, |
Subject: Culture of Safety
From The Annapolis Book of Seamanship
by Jeffrey Wisch, MD, |
Subject: Medical, Medical
The Bermuda Race’s medical chair (a race skipper) describes the causes, prevention, and treatment of this all-too-common and potentially dangerous condition.
by Dick York, |
Subject: Overboard
The methods for dealing with Man Overboard emergencies on a short-handed boat require a few modifications from the standard recoveries taught for fully-crewed race boats. The purpose of this note is to highlight those differences in technique and…