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by Andy Burton, |
Subject: Preparation of Boat and Crew
For years, Nick Thornton and I sailed together. We went through the junior sailing program at Royal Victoria Yacht Club in British Columbia, we raced against and cruised with each other in dinghies and keelboats, and as adults we sailed many miles…
Subject: Culture of Safety, Safety Gear, Personal, Overboard
The right life jacket for your conditions and a tether when conditions warrant it.
by Steve Taylor, |
Subject: Customs and Traditions
 There are two levels of grog for the keg. There is the driving level and then there is the stronger sailing level. If your guests are driving, keeping the mix at about 30 proof is wise. If they have sailed to the rendezvous and will be…
by Jill Wescott, & by Steve McInnis, |
Subject: Legalities
Visiting the Med, Scandinavia, or the UK? The legalities vary from region to region and even country to country.
by Ernie Godshalk, |
Subject: Customs and Traditions
Submitted by Fleet Captain Ernie Godshalk 
by Douglas Adkins, |
Subject: Narratives
The Cruising Club of America has always been explicitly amateur.  The test of one’s suitability for election is a robust blue-water resume with voyaging accomplishments for one’s pleasure and not for remuneration.  The boundaries of…