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by John Franklin, |
Subject: Navigation and Piloting
In view of Stan’s apparent knowledge, I delegated the pilotage to him and, stupidly, didn’t keep an eye on the charts and the marks although I had read up on the passage. At that stage we did not have a chart plotter so we were relying on paper…
by Chuck Hawley, |
Subject: Fire/Flooding
Each group was also shown the effectiveness of the inexpensive ABC or BC dry chemical extinguishers, again using a short well-aimed blast at the fire. However, during one of my demonstrations, I accidentally grabbed the halon extinguisher that I had…
by Chuck Hawley, |
Subject: Preparation of Boat and Crew, Damage and Repair
I idly looked aloft at the tricolor light, and it appeared to be showing its red light aft, which didn’t register as a problem, at least initially, until I looked aloft again and now saw the green light showing aft. It became obvious that the light…
by Chuck Hawley (39, |
Subject: Preparation of Boat and Crew, Electronics
A few minutes later, however, the familiar sound stopped, and the swing of the rudder and tiller came to a halt with perhaps 10 degrees of port rudder locked in. Before I could get to the tiller and lift the tiller pilot off its pin, the boat flew…
by Brian Guck, |
Subject: Preparation of Boat and Crew
... We were being blown onto the dock and had to make a hard turn to starboard into the wind to get out of the boatyard.  This was not really a problem, but just when I went to use the bow thruster that we had tested days earlier, it failed.…
by Chuck Hawley (39, |
Subject: Fire/Flooding
The story in MarineLog on this year’s Summer Solstice seemed both familiar and odd at the same time. A yacht valued at $1,500,000 burned to the waterline, and later sank, while undergoing some routine maintenance at a marina in Washington state.…