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by Multiple CCA members, |
Subject: Culture of Safety, Overboard
It's 2021. When someone goes overboard, you want the benefit of the latest experience and thinking. Our panel discusses MOB techniques including recovery under spinnaker and the new "mid-line" hoist. Led by Cruising Club of America, the New York…
by Bruce Brown, |
Subject: Fire/Flooding
With the recent indictment of the Captain of the Conception due to the loss of life during the fatal fire on board the dive boat on September 2, 2019, it is timely to consider how we have our vessels set up for charging the batteries on portable…
by William Strassberg, MD, |
Subject: Culture of Safety, Seamanship and Awareness
Advocates of the phrase, “leaders are born not made,” discount expertise and dwell on behavioral traits such as charisma, compassion, extroversion, boldness, etc. These personality attributes certainly play an important role in acquiring…
by Bruce Brown, |
Subject: Emergency Signalling
In recent years, the US Coast Guard has, in response to comments from recreational mariners and professional mariners attempted to address the complex issues of required Day and Night Signals.
by Charles L Starke MD , |
Subject: Emergency Signalling
Emergency services have not always responded to an EPIRB alert When voyagers purchase and register an EPIRB, the first step is to register the EPIRB with the beacon authority. In the US, go to
Subject: Damage and Repair
Things happen on boats. Many times, repairs underway are necessary if you want to complete your voyage safely and swiftly. This video presentation addresses many related issues.