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Subject: Safety Gear, Personal, Overboard
The CCA recommends that, at the skipper’s discretion, all crew should WEAR A LIFE JACKET when on deck of a recreational boat. There are various types of life jackets with advantages and disadvantages, and that are appropriate for different…
by Paul Bushueff, |
Subject: Sails and Rigging
Preventers for off wind sailing has always been a popular discussion topic.
by Rich du Moulin, |
Subject: Seamanship and Awareness
CCA member Richard du Moulin contributes to our “Creating a Culture of Safety” series, reflecting on the essence of great leadership at sea in this article adapted from his work as a long-time leader of safety-at-sea seminars for the Storm…
by Chuck Hawley, |
Subject: Safety Gear, Personal, Overboard
I like to think that the courses and articles and online tutorials are complete and easy to understand, but anyone who teaches knows that the best way to check comprehension is to listen to the questions that are asked. After my “story” in Lectronic…
by Gus Stringos, |
Subject: Narratives
by Gust Stringos, Boston Station, Gulf of Maine Post
by Chuck Hawley, |
Subject: Dinghy Management
Several years ago, I was asked to serve on the National Boating Safety Advisory Council, which is a group that (as the name suggests) advises and coordinates with the Coast Guard on issues related to recreational boating safety.