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No Room for Error

A Dismasting Averted

THE COLD FACTS: Special Safety Considerations of High Latitude Voyaging

With tens of thousands of miles sailed (and working) in the cold-water latitudes, CCA Member Mark Roye has learned a

Perhaps Overconfidence, not Curiosity, Killed the Cat?
Armed with a small amount of misinformation, we concoct a story to fit what we think we see and then twist additional evidence to comply.
Video: Advances in MOB Recovery

It's 2021. When someone goes overboard, you want the benefit of the latest experience and thinking.

Skipper, Leadership and Vessel Safety: White Paper

Advocates of the phrase, “leaders are born not made,” discount expertise and dwell on

Skipper, Leadership and Vessel Safety: Executive Summary

Executive Summary

William Strassberg, MD

A Perspective on Seamanship
Good seamanship should include the ability to assess, address, and anticipate. The best offshore sailors use sight, smell, hearing, and feel to monitor what is going on below, on deck and in the wider environment for whatever may come next. Experience lets the crew member distinguish the significant concerns from normal variations. In a perfect world, every issue would be caught before it becomes a problem or emergency. Let’s snap back to reality—it’s not going to happen that way. Good sailors train themselves by running through “what-ifs” as an exercise on watch: