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by Brian Guck, |
Subject: Dinghy Management
It was low tide. I needed to navigate shallow water to get to my usual tie up spot. I did what I frequently do in this situation, turning around to lift the idling motor into the shallow water setting. The new motor we bought this year doesn’t raise…
by Ed Tarlov, |
Subject: Medical, Dinghy Management, Overboard
Beware the Dinghy
by Dennis Powers, |
Subject: Fire/Flooding
About 30 minutes later we were startled to see about 6 inches of water all along the low side from the galley forward along the settee berth and the floorboards were beginning to float. We removed them, turned on two electric pumps, and began…
by Michael Moradzadeh, |
Subject: Good Practices Underway
A short trip becomes a near disaster by ignoring engine alarms.
by Ernie Godshalk, |
Subject: Preparation of Boat and Crew
I took down the radio panel and, with a multimeter in hand, was able to determine that the stereo wasn’t getting its 12 volts. When I improvised a 12-volt supply, it came to life. Progress, but a mystery remained behind the dead 12-volt supply line…
by Chuck Hawley, |
Subject: Preparation of Boat and Crew
After sitting next to Stan for about an hour, I stood up to stretch and get some blood flowing in my legs. As I did, I heard the faint but unmistakable snap of a circuit breaker going from the On to the Off position, followed by the sound of an…