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CCA News

CCA News

  • Turtle with Plastic Bag

    No Plastic Oceans, says CCA Blue Medal Winner Jon Sanders

    Jon Sanders (with 10 previous solo global circumnavigations and recipient of the CCA Blue Water Medal "without date" -- referencing singular lifetime achievements)  will solo circumnavigate the globe for the eleventh time (see the Route):.

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  • Chan Reis

    ​​​​​​​Making iPhone Videos in Support of the Newport Bermuda Race

    ​​​​​​​Retired sailboat racer and Cruising Club of America member Chan Reis is sharing his talent for storytelling and imagery with sailors following in his wake. Here’s how he does it without fancy video gear—shooting and editing the whole production on his iPhone 8. Read more
  • Screen Shot

    Announcing the new CCA website

    The new and improved CCA website is here, and we hope you find it reflects our values: making adventurous use of the sea, sharing our experiences, and helping our fellow voyagers.

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  • Side shot of Oaxaca

    Man Overboard!

    S/V Oaxaca, skippered and navigated by CCA Members Michael Moradzadeh and Liz Baylis, experienced a MOB emergency in the 2019 California Offshore Week. The person, a highly experienced and well-known professional sailor, was recovered safely.

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  • Weather Chart

    Weather Course Video Available for Viewing

    Our highly successful all-day weather seminar is available in video form. Presented by acclaimed experts including Frank Bohlen, Lee Chesneau, and more, this series provides a comprehensive overview and drill-down into many aspects of coastal and offshore weather. Attendees agreed that this was time well spent. Please enjoy these videos and feel free to share them. Read more
  • Liferaft testing

    Offshore Safety; Making a difference

    CCA member Mark Lenci has worked with the Newport-Bermuda race and other race organizers to expand the availability and content of the Safety at Sea seminars. Read more
  • Stern shot

    Family Afloat: Focus on What’s Important

    Every sailing family has a different approach to developing their life together on the water. Here’s how Alec and Erin Brainerd are doing it. Read more
  • The family gets its medal

    CCA Announces Major Awards

    The Awards Committee, with the approval of the Board, has selected a raft of eminent sailors as recipients of our major awards. These include Blue Water Medal - Bruce Halabisky and Tiffany Loney, Far Horizons Award - Stan Honey, Young Voyager Award - Ellen and Seth Leonard, Richard S. Nye Award – Steve and Linda Dashew, and Ernie Godshalk and Ann Noble-Kiley for the Royal Cruising Club Trophy, and the Vilas Literary Prize will be presented to Jim and Jean Foley. Read more
  • Strummer, the boat

    Fellow Member Rescued from sinking boat

    The rescue video is sobering.

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  • rough seas

    Accident Report from Chicago Mac Race

    Several CCA members participated in a review and analysis of the sad events that took place in the recent Chicago to Mackinack race. The report has now been published.  According to the Chicago Yacht Club:

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  • Safety at Sea Seminar

    Sanctioned Safety at Sea Seminars

    Whether you're planning an offshore race or just looking to build or refresh your sailing skills, our US Sailing Sanctioned Safety at Sea Seminars can be an important step. These courses include an online orientation and a full day of hands on and seminar presentations. Climb into a life raft, fire flares, throw lines, and more. Now offered several times per year. These satisfy US Sailing and World Sailing requirements and satisfy offshore race requirements.

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  • Jeanne Socrates

    Member Jeanne Socrates Circumnavigation

    Perhaps you were raised never to mention a lady's age. Our Jeanne Socrates revels in it. She has embarked, on October 3, to become the oldest female SOLO circumnavigator, and the first woman to solo circumnavigate from North America.  Leaving from Vancouver, B.C., this member of our San Francisco Station is now about 400 miles off Bahia San Ramon, Baja California.

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